How to Uninstall Jackpot Games Casino Software on PC/Laptop
Step 1: Close the Program
In order to uninstall the Jackpot Games Casino software, you must first close the program.
Step 2: Open Control Panel
Click on the “Start” button in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen, then click on “Control Panel.”
Step 3: Uninstall a Program
In the Control Panel, click on “Programs” then “Programs and Features.” This will display a list of all programs installed on your computer.
Step 4: Locate the Jackpot Games Casino Software
Scroll through the list until you see the Jackpot Games Casino software. Click on it to select it, then click “Uninstall.”
Step 5: Follow Uninstallation Process
Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process. You may be asked if you want to remove any saved data, such as your account information, so be sure to read and select the appropriate options.
Step 6: Restart Computer
After the uninstallation process is complete, restart your computer to complete the removal of the Jackpot Games Casino software from your PC or laptop.
How to Uninstall Jackpot Games Casino App on Mobile Device
Step 1: Locate App on Home Screen
Locate the Jackpot Games Casino app icon on your mobile device’s Home Screen.
Step 2: Tap and Hold the App Icon
Tap and hold the Jackpot Games Casino app icon until a menu appears.
Step 3: Select “Uninstall”
Drag the app towards the “Uninstall” option and select it. Alternatively, you can tap on the “Uninstall” option in the menu that appears.
Step 4: Confirm Uninstallation
Confirm that you want to uninstall Jackpot Games Casino app by tapping on the “OK” button in the confirmation prompt that appears.
Step 5: Wait for Uninstallation
Wait for the app to be uninstalled from your mobile device. This usually takes a few seconds to a minute.
Step 6: Restart Mobile Device
After the uninstallation process is complete, restart your mobile device to complete the removal of the Jackpot Games Casino app.